Who Invented Basketball?

Springfield College was practically constructed around the sport of basketball. James Naismith, a teacher at Springfield College and a graduate student, came up with the idea for basketball in 1891. Since then, the game has evolved into a worldwide sporting phenomenon today.
James Naismith, a Canadian who taught physical education in Springfield, Massachusetts, is credited with inventing basketball in 1891. He intended to create a sport less likely to result in injuries than football.
When Naismith came up with the idea of an indoor sport to keep athletes active during the colder months, he was a graduate student of 31 years old at the time.
The sport was widely played within a short period after its introduction. Its notoriety continued to rise during the 20th century, initially in the United States and afterward in other regions.
Following basketball's rise to popularity in college across the United States, the sport was eventually taken to the professional level. The National Basketball Association (NBA), founded in 1946, developed into an industry worth several billions of dollars by the time the 20th century came to a close. Basketball eventually became an essential component of American society.
Dr. James Naismith developed the game of basketball as it is played today in December 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts, to keep young athletes in shape throughout the winter months. Today's version of the game is known as basketball.
In Springfield, Massachusetts, where it is now known as Springfield College, Naismith worked as a physical education teacher at what was then known as YMCA International Training School.
Naismith was tasked with developing an indoor sports game to assist athletes in maintaining their fitness levels over the winter months under his boss's request.
It was made up of fruit baskets and a ball shaped like a soccer ball. He released thirteen guidelines for playing the new game. He began by splitting his class of eighteen students into two teams of nine players each and instructing them on the fundamentals of the game he had just invented.
The game aimed to hit the fruit baskets affixed to the gym balcony's lower railing with the basketball. The play had to be stopped when a point was scored so the janitor could bring out a ladder and retrieve the ball.
This happened after each time a point was scored. The bottoms of the fruit baskets were taken out after some time had passed. On March 11, 1892, the city of Springfield, Massachusetts, hosted the first-ever basketball game open to the public.
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