What Are The Attributes Of Good Software?

Writing quality software is arduous. There are numerous things to consider. However, everyone will value quality software.
Correctness is essential for quality software. Specification, design, and implementation should all be flawless.
A system should be simple to learn and employ.
The more efficiently software uses resources, the better. Utilization of the processor, memory and disk space should be reduced.
Important is a system that can perform the necessary functions reliably. Failures ought to be as infrequent as possible.
Security needs to be considered. Our software should grant access to illegal resources to attackers.
Data validation is essential, so incorrect data cannot be saved in the system.
Having a system that can be utilized in numerous conditions without change is advantageous.
The precision of its outputs is high. This evaluates if the software produces the correct outcomes for users.
If a system continues to function despite receiving erroneous inputs and being subjected to severe environmental conditions, this is favorable for our system.
Important is the ease with which an established system can be modified. The more easily we can make adjustments, the better.
A good system can function in situations other than those it was initially built.
The more a piece of software's reusability, the better. Using reusable components eliminates the need to recreate them from the start.
Easy-to-read code is simple to modify. If we comprehend them more quickly, we can make improvements faster and with fewer errors.
Our software system must be tested. If it's simple to write unit tests for our code, that's a positive sign.
It is essential that we can comprehend our system from both a global perspective and a code-level one.
Systems that are easier to comprehend are more cohesive. With quality software, it is more difficult to develop problems and quicker to implement improvements.
Software-Quality Targets
Setting goals for sustaining software quality is an effective method for improving quality. It provides us with something to strive for.
Explicit Quality Control Measure
Quality assurance is crucial at all times. Without it, consumers will encounter flaws because no one detects them.
It increases our stress levels and diminishes our reputation. We must be transparent about our priorities, and developers will respond accordingly.
Testing Methodology
For systematic software testing, we require a testing strategy. Otherwise, our testing will become inconsistent and erratic.
If different things are tested at different times, it is possible to miss something.
Software-Engineering Guidelines
Having software engineering rules will make things easier for us.
Technical Evaluations
Code reviews and design reviews make life easier for everyone. They disclose vulnerabilities and enable individuals to identify shoddy behaviors. We can have an informal discussion regarding concerns.
Change-Control Methods
Unpredictable is uncontrolled changes. Therefore, we should have systems in place to make their behavior predictable.
For example, we may document the steps required to finish a feature, develop code for them, and then release them into production.
Evaluation of Results
We need some figures to demonstrate whether or not our plan is effective. The quality mentioned above, like accuracy, usability, etc., can also be measured.
Prototyping facilitates decision-making by allowing us to experiment with something that may become a reality, as opposed to only on paper or in our heads.
Percentage of Identified Defects
We can examine the rate of flaws in our system to determine its performance.
Then, if necessary, we can use this information to examine system flaws and work toward system improvement.
A variety of attributes linked with software products represent the quality of the software. These characteristics are unrelated to the functionality of the software.
They represent the program's execution behavior, the structure and organization of the source code, and the related documentation. The key characteristics of quality software are:
The software must be agreeable to the intended users. This implies that it must be understandable, usable, and compatible with their other systems.
Security and dependability:
Software dependability comprises a variety of properties, including safety, security, and dependability. In the event of system failure, dependable software should not result in physical or financial harm. Software must be secure so that malicious people cannot access the system or cause damage.
Software should not waste system resources like memory and CPU cycles. Therefore, efficiency encompasses responsiveness, processing time, resource use, etc.
Software should be developed in such a way that it can adapt to changing customer needs. This is a crucial characteristic since software evolution is unavoidable in a dynamic corporate environment.
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