How To Become An Income Tax Officer After The 12th?

An income tax officer (ITO) manages all income-related issues and ensures correct tax filing by monitoring the tax flow. If you enjoy studying business and working with numbers, a career as an income tax officer can be interesting. Understanding an income tax officer's duties and selection process can help you pursue a career as one.
This article discusses how to become an income tax officer, as well as the selection method, duties, essential skills, and salary of an income tax officer.
Who is an income tax officer?
Income tax agents are professionals who work in the department of income tax. They manage IT issues for the central board of direct taxes (CBDT). The department of income tax is part of the ministry of finance, and an ITO is mainly responsible for income tax research and evaluation.
How to become an income tax officer?
There is no direct hiring for this position. The first step is to become an income tax inspector, followed by a departmental promotion to an income tax officer.
You can become an income tax officer by passing the staff selection commission's combined graduate level (SSC CGL) examination. Examine the steps below to become a tax agent through the SSC CGL:
Earn a bachelor's degree
The minimum academic requirement for CGL is a bachelor's degree. Applying for the CGL test requires a bachelor's degree. You may complete your degree in any field. After earning your degree, you must complete all eligibility requirements to take the examination.
Meet the eligibility criteria
Before sitting for the CGL test, you must meet all qualifying conditions. Bachelor's degree from an accredited university is required for this examination. 18 to 30 years of age is the age limit. There is a relaxation of the upper age restriction for the following group:
- SC/ST: five years
- OBC category: three years
- A person with disabilities (PWD) (Unreserved): 10 years
- PWD (OBC) category: 13 years
- PWD (SC/ST) category: 15 years
Candidates who were normally residing in the state of Jammu & Kashmir between January 1, 1980, and December 31, 1989: 5 years of service as a member of the armed forces impaired during hostilities with any foreign nation or in a conflict zone and dismissed as a result: Three years for military personnel disabled during conflicts with a foreign power or in a conflict zone and discharged as a result (SC/ST: eight years)
The citizenship criteria for this exam are:
- Citizens of India, Nepal, Bhutan, a Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962, intending to settle in India permanently, or a person of Indian origin who has moved to India permanently from Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Burma, etc. are eligible for citizenship.
- The certificate of eligibility provided by the government of India is required for candidates of other nationalities.
- Candidates must be able to run one mile within the allotted time as a physical requirement for the exam. Depending on the location, the minimum height requirement ranges from 152 to 162 centimeters, while the minimum chest size needs are 75 to 76 centimeters. Depending on the location, the required weight is 47 to 50 kg.
Apply for the SSC-CGL exam
After satisfying all qualifying requirements, you can register online for the CGL examination. There is a 100 application fee. There is no application cost for those who belong to the SC, ST, PWD, or ex-servicemen categories.
There are two steps involved in completing the application form. Part I is the one-time enrollment, and Part II is completing the exam application. Exams are administered on three levels by SSC. The candidate must pass all three stages to become an income tax inspector.
Write the tier I exam.
Tier I is often referred to as the preliminary examination. Only objective, multiple-choice questions are included in this computer-based assessment. It is a qualifying examination, and its scores are not factored into the final ranking.
The Tier I examination consists of four sections: general intellect and reasoning, general knowledge, numeric aptitude, and English comprehension. You must pass this test to be eligible for the level two exam.
Write the tier-II exam.
Tier II is frequently referred to as the major test. It is a computer-based test consisting of multiple-choice, objective-type questions, similar to Tier I. Papers I and II are mandatory for all positions in Tier II, consisting of four papers.
The third and fourth papers are for applicants applying for different positions. Paper I is a 200-point test of quantitative skills, whereas Paper II is a 200-point test of English language and understanding. Tier II test scores have a significant bearing on the overall ranking.
Write the tier III exam.
Tier III is an English or Hindi descriptive paper. It is a test administered on paper. This paper is worth 100 points, which are factored toward the overall grade. One hour is allotted for this assignment, which contains no negative points.
Conduct a complete document verification and medical exam
The commission selects applicants for document verification based on tier II and tier III performance. After document verification, those who have been shortlisted are subjected to a physical examination.
If a candidate satisfies the physical standards and passes the medical test, they may become an inspector for the income tax department.
Meet the requirements for the departmental test for income tax officer
You can become an income tax officer after serving as an inspector for three years. You can pass the departmental examination for confirmation and the income tax officer departmental examination for promotion to ITO. 100 multiple-choice questions comprise the ITO departmental examination.
Two hours are allotted to complete the 200-point assignment. Depending on the number of vacancies and your seniority, you can be promoted to income tax officer if you pass this exam.
Duties of an income tax officer?
The primary responsibilities of a tax officer are as follows:
- Aides in the tax revenue for public welfare and the management of government institutions by preserving tax accounts from different departments; ensures that companies and residents are paying taxes to the government; sends out notices and conducts frequent checks for frauds and other illegal actions; these are all responsibilities of an income tax officer.
- investigates allegations of tax evasion
- Analyzes court records to determine the status of claims, mortgages, and financial statements, or investigates the assets of non-taxpaying individuals whose assets are held by third parties.
- Determines the actual income of those who have filed income tax returns and conducts raids against individuals, corporations, and organizations that have filed an incorrect income tax return (ITR) or have not filed an ITR.
Abilities a tax officer must possess
Listed below are the skills that can assist them in achieving success as an ITO:
An income tax officer analyzes the financial data of individuals, businesses, governments, and public officials. Strong mathematical skills are required for a career as a tax collector.
Attention to detail:
A tax officer must pay close attention to detail when conducting income tax-related research, surveys, corrections, and evaluations.
An income tax officer's responsibilities include interacting with accountants, businesses, lawyers, and work colleagues.
Investigating claims such as the inability to pay taxes and other tax-related issues necessitates strong problem-solving skills.
Time management:
During the close of the fiscal year, it is sometimes necessary for an income tax officer to work lengthy hours. They are tasked with ensuring that assessors submit accurate ITRs and that there is no scam or asset concealment.
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