How Many Boxes Are In The Chess?

The chess game is played on a board consisting of 64 squares organized into eight vertical rows, known as files, and eight horizontal rows, known as ranks. These squares cycle between two colors: one light, such as white, beige, or yellow, and the other dark, such as black or green. The colors white, beige, and yellow are seen here.
Chess is one of the most famous and oldest board games, and it is played by two opposing players on a checkered board with specially created pieces of contrasting colors, most often white and black.
After the first move White makes, the players take turns by the established rules. The game's objective is for each player to place their opponent's King in a position where it is impossible to avoid being captured, known as checkmate. White moves first.
The chess game is played on a board consisting of 64 squares organized into eight vertical rows, known as files, and eight horizontal rows, known as ranks.
These squares cycle between two colors: one light, like white, beige, or yellow, and the other dark, like black or green. The colors white, beige, and yellow are seen here. The board is placed between the two competitors so that the upper right-hand corner of the playing space is illuminated with a bright square for each participant.
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