Who Is Known As The Father Of Yoga?

Interestingly, Lord Shiva is the originator of yoga. He is also known as Adiyogi, the first yogi, not as a god in ancient literature. Lord Shiva acquired complete enlightenment and utilized 100 percent of his intellect around 15,000 years ago.
When this occurred, he traveled to the Himalayas and began dancing out of delight; his wild dance caught people's interest in discovering his happiness's source. Except for seven individuals who remained, everyone assembled and left in anticipation of his revelation.
The Saptrishis consists of seven individuals. These Saptrishis pleaded with Lord Shiva to share the key to his perfect enlightenment and the road to achieving such a happy, euphoric state. On the other hand, Lord Shiva did not respond since he was completely motionless and unaffected by the external world.
After a lengthy time of pleading, Shiva replied that the Saprishis were unprepared and that a million years would not be adequate to educate them.
Consequently, the Saptarishis began their sadhana, which pleased Lord Shiva so much that he decided to educate them 84 years later. After considerable contemplation, Shiva decided to share his knowledge of Yogic Science with humanity.
Yogic Science is more than simply a collection of exercises; it regulates the complete human system. This knowledge was transmitted on the shores of Kanti Sarovar, a lake a few kilometers from Kedarnath.
Shiva instructed these seven sages in seven distinct aspects of yoga and requested that they share their knowledge. After completing their schooling, these sages proceeded with seven distinct methods to communicate the knowledge and secrets of enlightenment they had acquired for so long.
Father Of Yoga
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was a yoga instructor, ayurvedic healer, and scholar from India. He is regarded as one of the most influential gurus of contemporary yoga. He is frequently referred to as "the father of modern yoga" due to his profound impact on the evolution of postural yoga.
Like earlier pioneers such as Yogendra and Kuvalayananda, who were influenced by physical culture, he contributed to the resurgence of hatha yoga.
Krishnamacharya obtained degrees in all six Indian philosophies or Vedic daranas. Under the sponsorship of Krishna Raja Wadiyar IV, the king of Mysore, Krishnamacharya went throughout India conducting lectures and demonstrations to promote yoga, including allegedly stopping his heartbeat.
In mixing breathing with movement, he is largely regarded as the architect of vinysa; the form of yoga he invented is now known as Viniyoga or Vinyasa Krama Yoga.
Krishnamacharya's teachings' guiding principle was "Teach what is acceptable for the person."
In India, Krishnamacharya is best known as a healer who utilized both Ayurveda and yogic practices to restore health and well-being to the people he treated.
He authored four works on yoga, including Yoga Makaranda (1934), Yogaasanagalu (about 1941), Yoga Rahasya, and Yogavalli (Chapter 1 – 1988), in addition to several articles and poetry pieces.
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