Who Is Believed To Be The Father Of Yoga?

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that has helped and benefitted people worldwide to preserve physical and mental health. Initially established in India, Yoga is now practiced all over the world.
Numerous yoga gurus, or yoga instructors, from India, have traveled the globe to reach millions of people in yoga practice. However, did you know that Lord Shiva is the founder of Yoga according to holy texts? Read on for more information.
Lord Shiva was the father of Yoga.
Lord Shiva is referred to as Adiyogi Shiva or the original yogi. According to the scriptures and their teachings, Lord Shiva is revered as the Adiyogi (the first yogi) and the father of Yoga in the yogi culture.
According to a text, Shiva attained the level of perfect enlightenment some 15,000 years ago.
According to Hindu scriptures, Lord Shiva traveled to the Himalayas and began dancing out of joy. He became incredibly quick or motionless as a result of his crazy dancing. People were astonished and eager to discover the source of this bliss.
The crowd gathered, but Shiva did not care and did not stop. In the end, though, just seven individuals waited. These were the seven sages, or saptrishis.
These saptrishis requested that Shiva instruct them on his enlightenment and how to attain such a blissful state of pleasure. However, Shiva did not answer since he was silent and unconscious of his surroundings.
As time and years passed, Yoga evolved, resulting in contemporary Yoga. Modern Yoga consists of various methods, asanas (postures), and meditation evolved from the yoga school's ideas, teachings, and practices.
Strangely, Lord Shiva is the originator of Yoga. He is referred to as Adiyogi or the first yogi in ancient literature, although not as a god. It is stated that around 15,000 years ago, Lord Shiva attained complete enlightenment and was able to utilize his entire intellect.
When this occurred, he reached the Himalayas and began dancing out of overflowing delight; his wild dance made everyone curious about his happiness. Except for seven individuals, those gathered and waited for him to give them the secret and then went.
These seven individuals are referred to as the Saptrishis. These Saptrishis implored Lord Shiva to give them the secret of his perfect enlightenment and how to achieve such a blissful, euphoric condition. But Lord Shiva remained perfectly motionless and undisturbed by the outside world; therefore, he did not answer.
After a lengthy period of pleading, Shiva answered by stating that the Saprishis were unprepared and that even a million years would be insufficient to instruct them in their current state.
Therefore, the Saprishis engaged in sadhana and, after 84 years, delighted Lord Shiva, who then chose to instruct them. After much consideration, Shiva chose to reveal Yogic Science to humanity.
Yoga Science is a mechanism of the complete human system, not just a collection of exercises. A few kilometers from Kedarnath, this information was transmitted on the shores of a lake named Kantisarovar.
Shiva instructed these seven sages on seven distinct facets of Yoga and instructed them to share their wisdom with the world.
After completing their education, these sages dispersed in seven separate directions to share the wisdom and mysteries of enlightenment they had accumulated for so long.
Father of Modern Yoga
Patanjali, according to many hypotheses, is the father of contemporary Yoga. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is a library of aphoristic Sanskrit sutras on the philosophy and practice of ancient Yoga.
These comments describe the following twelve postures but offer no more explanation: Padma asana, Veera asana, Bhadra asana, svastika asana, danda asana, Priyanka asana, kraunchanishada asana, hastanishada asana, samasansathana asana, and sthirasukha asana. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras is a revered classic for certain current yoga practitioners.
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is further regarded as the father of contemporary Yoga in many areas of India. He was a yoga teacher, ayurvedic medication, and scholar from India. Krishnamacharya is widely considered one of the 20th century's most prominent yoga gurus.
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