What Is A Self-Reliant School?

With the tagline 'Self Reliant school for Self Reliant India,' it is only reasonable to want to know what it implies.
Since the Covid issue, there has been a persistent and ongoing cry for self-reliance in India, and this self-reliant school scenario is a direct result of this. Children must take charge of their education and make an active effort in their pursuit of success and accomplishment in life.
It is the only way to ensure that we, as a nation, can break free of our dependency on foreign influences. Self-reliance must be promoted with the utmost enthusiasm and zeal in schools because it will result in the next generation being responsible in order as a citizen of the country and able to make the right choices in life that will benefit not only the individual but also the nation as a whole.
It is a crucial part of education for the future, and edtech is now at the forefront of this trend. Perhaps shortly, kids would see the significance of self-reliance and strive to acquire it with pride and determination, eventually benefiting everybody.
However, pupils cannot become independent on their own; training is necessary. Here is how teachers may assist kids in becoming self-reliant.
Education System In India
The words proposed by our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, "Atma Nirbhar banaiye," transcend the pressing matters of safety and instead serve as a slogan for society as a whole. India will enter a new period of independence in the post-Covid world.
The heart of the Indian educational system has always emphasized self-reliance. The curriculum structure traditionally concentrates on self-study, in which the learner sharpens their knowledge via regular practice.
Self-study has traditionally been seen as a practice of a good student, yet as the school system became more commercialized, this practice began to lose ground.
As the whole globe scrambled to regain footing in the face of the unanticipated epidemic, the education system in India attempted to address the crisis by utilizing digital technology.
As social alienation rendered physical classrooms and tutoring institutions obsolete, Indian students resorted to a time of self-reliance. Although initial decorum and discipline were, at best, tenuous, parents took aggressive measures to build order in their children's lives.
Self-help is the best aid, according to a widely-known saying. This saying has never been truer, especially in the case of students in recent years. Living in a period when people must facilitate their education with little to no assistance from external influences.
While several online courses have positioned themselves as rescuers for students in times of hardship, it is only a feasible alternative for a select few.
In addition, the question surrounding the monitoring of pupils remains intact. They must continue to rely heavily on their initiative throughout the teaching-learning process.
Future of Education is a self-sufficient setup.
Edtech intends to dismantle the 'factory model' prevalent in India for ages. As pupils are considered a group rather than individuals, the existing education system does not allow for the personalization or customization of instruction.
Edtech titans capitalize on the unique demands of disciplines and students and strategies appropriately to make the teaching-learning experience effective for the students.
EdTech can reproduce and amplify the educational interaction since it can focus on students' performances in higher education.
Noting that duplication in information and ancient teaching techniques will alter automatically when the people accept EdTech is important, as these are major concerns.
To become the future of India's education system, the Edtech sector must adopt more accessible tools and a more inclusive strategy.
Via NEP, a new benchmark has been established.
The NEP has pitched itself to the public as a revolutionary shift in education governance, delivery, and funding.
It is a massive endeavor that aims to become one of the world's top educational systems. It recommends modifying two essential pillars of independence—freedom, and adaptability—to meet the requirements and ambitions of contemporary society.
It is a significant change in effect, as it frees students from the dread and complexity of choosing courses. Students will no longer be bothered by societal pressure about choosing a major.
The best thing is that the children will be offered a flexible selection of disciplines, allowing them to explore their passions by combining Math, Science, and the Arts.
The purpose of middle school is to sow the seed of self-sufficiency inside the students to start the wheels in motion.
Interaction in the classroom has been refocused on competency-based education, enhancing India's education system's emphasis on self-reliance. As citizens of this holistic nation, we must comprehend and engage more in these practices.
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