How Many Passengers Are Allowed In Private Cars In Unlock 4?

In unlock 4, only 4 passengers were allowed in private cars; one was the driver and one person on the side seat of the driver, and two-person on the back seat of the car.
Since the beginning of the initial lockdown phase on March 24, our lives have never been the same. As a preventative precaution, restricting the mobility of the entire population led to individuals being restless to reach their houses.
To restore a feeling of normalcy and prevent the economy from falling further, each successive phase of the lockdown loosened restrictions. As the coronavirus epidemic is far from ending, the federal and state governments are taking calculated risks by loosening interstate and intrastate travel regulations.
In phase 4, also known as Unlock 4.0 order dated August 29 and enforced for a month beginning September 1, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) allowed citizens to travel throughout the nation in their automobiles without applying for a travel e-pass.
Types of Travelling Restrictions after Unlock 4.0?
During various phases of lockdown, trains, buses, and airplanes resumed operation while adhering to safety SOPs (standard operating procedure).
According to Unlock 4.0 criteria, prior road travel authorization and e-passes were revoked. The Central Government even made it plain to the states and union territories that they would not be authorized to implement lockdowns outside of containment zones without prior approval from the Central Government.
Unless authorized by the MHA, international aviation travel remained suspended. The Delhi Metro, which transports passengers over its 400-odd mile network, was the most recent addition to the list when it commenced operations on September 7. Bengaluru Metro and Kolkata Metro followed suit shortly after.
The elders over the age of 65 and youngsters under 10 were urged to remain at home. Their journey was only approved for medical and necessary needs.
Previously, just three passengers were authorized in hatchbacks and sedans, while four were permitted in SUVs. With the directive to adhere to safety standards, such as wearing face masks by all drivers and passengers, the limitations on the number of individuals in private vehicles were relaxed.
Though not regulated by the government, purchasing travel insurance now might be advantageous as it can protect you against flight-related concerns such as loss of baggage, passport, airline cancellations, etc., and medical crises.
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