How Did English Education Help Indians?

Before the British arrived, the school system was heavily influenced by religion, and the culture was rife with ills and superstitions. The British introduced a rather modern and logically oriented education system to India, which led to the evolution of the people's thinking and contributed to eradicating several social ills.
Initially, English was utilized by Christian missionaries to instruct the indigenous population. Officially, no attempt was made to impose the language on the populace.
However, English rapidly became the language of government, and many educated Indians demanded training in English as a means of social progress.
In 1857, the three pioneer universities of Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras were established. These institutions would foster the Indian intellectuals who would begin growth in all aspects of Indian society, including its literature (Naik, 1992, p. 13).
English became the official language of the government, the social elite, and the national press.
Tagore was primarily a Bengali poet, yet he translated several of his poetry into English. Gandhi wrote in English with clarity and intensity, and the British authorities in India quickly realized, to their dismay, that Gandhi had a great command of the English language and a keen understanding of the terms he employed.
Initially, Christian missionaries used English to instruct the locals. Officially, there was no attempt to impose the language upon the general population.
Many educated Indians demanded education in English as a method of social progress, as English rapidly asserted itself as the language of government.
In 1857, the three pioneer colleges of Calcutta, Bombay, and Madras were established. These universities nourished the Indian intellectuals who would begin growth in all aspects of Indian society, such as its literature (Naik, 1992, p. 13).
The government, social elite, and national press progressively adopted English as their primary language.
Tagore translated several of his poetry into English, although he was a Bengali poet. Gandhi wrote in English with clarity and intensity, and the British authorities in India quickly realized, much to their displeasure, that Gandhi articulated himself well in great English and understood the words he employed.
The English Education Act was enacted in 1835 by the Council of India in response to a decision made by Lord William Bentinck, Governor-General of British India 1835.
Thomas Babington Macaulay authored the infamous Memorandum on Indian Education, in which he criticized the inferiority of indigenous (especially Hindu) culture and education. He maintained that Western education was superior and could now only be taught through the English language.
Using English-language higher education, it was necessary to generate "a class of individuals, Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in ideas, in morals and in intellect," which might, in turn, develop the means to impart Western learning in the vernacular languages of India (English Education Act 1835).
The Status and Importance of English in India
English is regarded as a co-official language in India and serves as the medium of instruction in the country's educational system. English is a second language according to the Indian Constitution.
India is one of the former British colonies and is a multilingual country where English is still used for communication amongst individuals with diverse native dialects.
English is utilized extensively for instructional purposes in public schools, institutes of higher education, conferences, meetings, private offices, and large hotels.
Most adverts are written in English, as are the majority of periodicals. The majority of individuals comprehend English without a problem. The non-native speaker can understand English and occasionally respond, but not fluently.
The people of India have a highly favorable view of the English language. Even rural residents send their children to English-medium schools at a cost. They believe that the English school enjoys a favorable reputation in society.
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