Bamboo Dance Which State?

The dance is performed during the harvest and at the beginning of the new year.
Cheraw dance is a traditional cultural dance done in Mizoram, India, by six to eight individuals holding pairs of bamboo staves atop another bamboo laid horizontally on the ground. The male performers then rhythmically clap the bamboos as groups of female dancers perform complicated steps between the clapping bamboos.
It is the most famous and popular dance in Mizoram and is the focal point of celebrations. Similar dances can be seen in the Philippines and the Far East.
In the Philippines, a dance known as Tinikling is performed with bamboo sticks. In 2010, a Guinness World Record was set when many Cheraw dancers performed simultaneously.
Cheraw dance is practiced in the state of Mizoram in the northeast. This dance has four participants. It is the most famous dance in Mizoram and a major attraction during the festive season. There are similar dancing styles in the East and even the Philippines (known as Tinikling.)
The usage of bamboo staves is a characteristic of Cheraw dancing. These are kept on the ground in cross and horizontal positions.
The men dancers move rhythmically on these bamboos, but the females dance by stepping in and out of the bamboo blocks. Cheraw is undeniably one of the oldest folk dances of Mizoram, and it is also a vital feature of nearly every Mizo event.
The Bamboo significance
According to legends, the Cheraw dance originated as early as the first century after Christ. Since this dance utilizes long bamboo staves, it is called “Bamboo Dance.”
Supported by two bases, these bamboos are clapped by male dancers to a certain rhythm. On the other hand, the females dance gracefully by stepping in and out of horizontally crossed bamboo staves.
The bamboos are tapped in a rhythmic pattern. Clapping the bamboos produces a sound that sets the dance's beat. Additionally, it indicates the time of the dance.
Thihna, Vakiria, Kawrchei, and Puanchei are the costumes typically worn by female dancers during the Cheraw dance. Most of these traditional garments are brightly colored, greatly illuminating their surroundings.
In ancient times, the Cheraw dance was performed to comfort the soul of a departed mother who had left behind a newborn child. However, the scope of Cheraw dance has substantially broadened. In reality, this dance is performed at all major and little events in Mizoram.
This folk dance's typical choreography is influenced by nature. Some phrases imitate the swaying of trees, while others resemble the flight of birds.
Consequently, there is no doubting that the Cheraw dance is a fascinating representation of Mizoram culture.
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