1 kg Cake Serves How Many

There is no standard answer to this question. The cake serves how many people eat it depends on several factors, including:
In general, the size of the slice, a larger slice may make more food as it has more surface area and can be spread out thinner over a larger area. It may also be sized to serve fewer people than a smaller cake.
If it is made with flour and eggs, the number of ingredients used in the recipe could potentially be less than 1kg of cake mixture. It would lead to fewer slices needed for one person but require more ingredients and preparation time.
If the cake is layered, the number of decimals could also potentially confuse. A cake with a three-layer would have 1 kg of cake mixture, and it would be possible to make more slices, but with each slice being smaller than the layers.
If there are more than three layers, it can get tricky. Again, 1 kg of cake mixture will be used to make slices, but things get more complicated if there are many different shapes and sizes, this could lead to people having a different amount of cake with some slices using less than one kg of the mixture and others using more.
The serving of cake normally depends on the occasion it is served. If a cake is served as a gift, such as at a wedding or celebration, more slices and more people would be at the party.
On social occasions, such as parties or birthdays, the serving could range from 3-5 slices per person (for example, if you have 6 people at the party).
A slice of cake can be divided up in half even if it has been cut into pieces. So, for example, you could cut a 1 kg cake into 6 divided pieces of 1/2 kg each and make 12 more slices from these.
A slice of cake commonly includes a dusting of icing sugar on top to set the cake. This can be done with wedding cakes, novelty, and birthday cakes.
A layer of buttercream or fondant is rolled or piped onto the surface of a cake to provide decoration. This can be done to a base layer (called frosting), for example, for birthday cakes, or alone as decorative icing.
It is often used as decoration on Christmas and New Year's Eve cakes. A ganache (a thick dark filling) may be used as an alternative to buttercream for decoration.
To cover a cake, it is normally brushed with fondant or buttercream. Fondant is often used for wedding cakes and Christmas and New Year's Eve cakes.
A cake may be cut into pieces to be served on individual plates or eaten as slices. To make the pieces of cake a different shape, you can use a round cutter to give the appearance of circles and ovals.
Round cutters (also known as dish cutters) are made of stainless steel and come in many different sizes to fit most cakes.
So, according to us, 1kg round shape cake is served to 10-12 people if one slice is given to one person.
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